How to Strengthen Your Real Relaxation Posture Muscles

Shoulder Roll Relaxation Posture Training: Introducing You to Your Real Posture Muscles


Begin by getting comfortable in your favorite chair or on your bed.  Become aware of your upper body muscle tension level as you exhale fully. Become aware of your mental tension by paying attention to the thoughts passing through your mind right now. Relax and allow your thoughts to become more neutral and less judgmental so that they pass more freely through your mind without mental effort just like clouds passing across the sky. Begin relaxing the muscle tension in your chest wall, ribcage, shoulders and neck a little bit on each exhale even though you may have things on your mind. Relax a little more anyway in your chest and shoulders on each slow and complete exhale. Direct your thoughts to your muscles to relax the tension completely in your neck, ribcage, and shoulders on each exhale.

Next, do 4 backwards shoulder rolls. Roll your shoulders up and down and back slowly and deliberately 4 times. Take your time. On your 4th roll leave your shoulders down and back as far as possible. This may take effort as our shoulders are usually wrapped around our ears in a stress posture by reflexive muscle tension. Keeping your shoulders down and back instead takes practice and mental and physical effort because these Real posture muscles weaken over time from not being used regularly. Next, lean your head gently to the right, come back to center, then gently to the left, come back to center allowing your neck to relax and lengthen. You are in Relaxation Posture now. Practice this posture often to strengthen your Real Posture muscles. Continue allowing your thoughts to pass freely without judgment through your mind just as clouds pass across the sky as you relax your muscles a little more and maintain the Relaxation Posture. Keep focusing on having your shoulders rolled down and back all the way as far as possible.                                                                                                                                     

Inhale deeply while you keep your shoulders down and away from your ears. If you enjoy visualization then visualize relaxation as silver threads of refreshing light and air, then imagine beautiful, refreshing silver threads of light and air spreading throughout your upper body muscles, and mind right now. Enjoy the sensation and the visual image of refreshing silver threads of relaxation and air spreading a little more freely throughout your neck, shoulders, chest wall, lungs, ribcage, and mind on each full and complete exhale. Inhale slowly and deeply while keeping your shoulders down and away from your ears. Exhale completely while you relax deeply all your upper body muscles and mind just a little more right now in this moment. Enjoy the refreshment of relaxation in your body, and mind today. You have completed the Shoulder Roll Relaxation Posture Training. ©Pamela Whitworth, Ph.D. All rights reserved.